Bitcoin, founder of a base of exchange dies


Nobody knows the password to access the site QuadrigaCX

A new hit to the stability of the market of the bitcoins, already in decrease of trust from the consumers. The trentenne Gerald Cotten, founder of one of the greatest sites to the world of exchange of criptovalute, QuadrigaCX, is two months ago suddenly dead in India bringing forever with if' the keys of access to the base.Of done making the access of it impossible and sending in smoke an equal figure, to I exchange him/it actual, to around 150 million dollars. The news is brought by the site Cbc that specifies as QuadrigaCX has deposited a legal action in a court of the New Scozia to protect from the creditors after weeks of postponed transactions.Gerald Cotten is dead for complications of the disease of Crohn. 

It had expectation a series of protections for the base of exchange, considering that they have often been in the target of cyberfurti. One of the barriers foresaw the passage from his/her personal pc, endowed with a system of cryptography. "The computer that Gerry used for managing the firm is criptato and me I don't have idea of where is the password of it' I have found her. I have hired a safety expert to recover the information, you/he/she has taken given by the telephones and from other pc but you/he/she has not succeeded in accessing the principal computer", the widow Jennifer Robertson has explained. In total QuadrigaCX owed 260 million Canadian dollars to his/her clients in criptovalute. Some experienced ones of digital currencies as Crypto Medication, suspect that that money in reality is not closed to double sent in safe but simply doesn't exist and that at the base of everything there is a fraud. It will be the Supreme Court of the New Scozia to presumably establish the truth.

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