Telephony: all users must automatically have a refund for 28-day tariffs, the ruling of the Council of State arrives.


Telephony, excellent news for users: refunds for 28-day tariffs will have to be automatic, unlike what has happened so far, with operators they only gave them to those who specifically requested it. To decide it was a sentence of the Council of State, 00879/2020, which rejects the appeal of Vodafone against the resolution of Agcom on the right to reimburse users. With the ruling in question, of course, the judges still refer to all operators. And the idea is clear: the forced transition to 28-day tariffs in 2017 was "unfair" and "subversive", the sentence reads. The ruling of the Council of State, in fact, is not surprising: it is a confirmation, yet another, of something that was already established, or that users have to be refunded, and these must not be requested by the users themselves, but must arrive in automatic at all. Theory always supported by Agcom according to which operators had to reimburse automatically, while the latter always reiterated the correctness of their choice, that is to provide them only on requests and according to the methods they decided.

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