Ireland hires 3thousand experts of computer science


To the moment it need experienced from Europe, specialized planners in Java, in Python, in C++ and launchings other profiles hi-tech

In Ireland they need qualified work force in the sector engineering and technological. For this the government, together with the players local tech, has launched just an authentic program of recruitment baptized Tech / Life Ireland.The objective is to find 3mila professionals of high-level from Europe. Understood Italy.

It deals with an offensive of international marketing with a devoted site ( that it will also promote the working opportunities to disposition on the socials.

Italy, has been put particularly in the target in base to a series of parameters, from the activity of search it turns in our country to the constant flow of young people toward the foreign countries: after all a bystander of the resident Italian over border reenters in the band of age between the 18 and the 34 years. And of the 107mila Italian that the country has left in the 2015 second the last relationship of the foundation little Migrantes less than 40mila belong to the same demografic band. 

"The industries of sector and the Government I recognize the necessity to attract the best professionals of the sector tech to work and to live in Ireland" you/he/she has explained Karl Flannery, Ceo of Storm Technology and head of the project Tech / Life Ireland delivery. On the site houses studies of foreign workers are found therefore in Ireland and their positive experiences if not of success in the country, updatings from the greatest influencers Irish tech on the developments in the technological community, a list currently personalized of the available working positions in Ireland and the profiles of the best technological companies that have stuck to the network. 

Despite the employees in the sector is already 80mila to the moment it need 1.047 experts in Java, 610 specialized planners in Python, 576, 321 the C++s and 272 in Php. It obviously is not the only country of the kind that after all makes also lever, considering the geographical area on the Brexit

The Irish initiative has been financed with almost 2 million of European on triennial basis : "In before wisecrack the country will assemble him on the Countries of the South and the Center Europe" a representative of the executive of Dublino has explained. While Mary Mitchell O'Connor, minister Irish of the Job, of the industry and of the innovation, you/he/she has explained that "if we continue to award us investments in Ict from the foreign countries we must assure us to have an enough offer of talents to meet the demands of the firms. Tech / Life won't touch the opportunities for the Irish graduates but it will add difference, knowledge and experience to the work force Ict." 

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